Bamenda Regional Hospital Laboratory, Cameroon

From left to right standing: Sama Emmanuel (HoD Serology), Leku Fabrise, Simon Njoya, Yuyun Timothy (HoD Reception), Tsegui Florence, Judith Bi (HoD ANC Lab), Teresa Woyen (HoD Haematology), Mokom Blessing, Nakeli Nicoline (Quality Officer), Dr Kinge Thompson (Hospital Director), Victor Fondoh (Laboratory Director), Ngu Emmanuel, Kungang Canisia, Anye Christina, Muluh Claris, Mbatu Elisabath, Wirkom Flora and Fopa Alida.
From left to right stooping: Nfor Nadin, Yamgouet Hafsetou, Adelleline Enanga, Noulong Lionie, Choumele Tonleu, Chi Elisabeth, Masazah Francine (HoD Parasitology), Neh Florence (HoD DH Lab) and Chi-Bikom Barbara (HoD Microbiology/Safety officer). HoD= Head of department
1. What was the hardest thing to do in order to get accredited?
- Management buy-in
2. What was the easiest?
- Go through the analytic examination process
3. What was the most important contributing factor to getting accredited?
- Determination and the focus to achieve our goal
4. What steps did you take?
- Step 1 : Laboratory staff surrendered part of their financial motivation to pay volunteers in order to increase man power.
- Step 2 : We lobbied for sponsors to assist in financing some proficiency testing schemes, the purchase of some state of the arc equipment, calibration of some auxiliary equipment and the maintenance of the hospital incinerator.
5. What were the biggest mistakes you made?
- At one point we gave-up, and by the time we came back on board, the work load became very heavy.
- We kept on postponing work
6. What is the best advice you can give to others?
- Everything is possible no matter the challenges – ‘’the casket reaches its destination irrespective of the challenges’’ (Talkmore Maruta).
7. What was your biggest motivating factor?
- The laboratory clinician champion award that was awarded to Dr Awasom Charles (our formal hospital director) at ASLM2014 was our biggest motivating factor
- The training on practical applications and understanding of ISO 15189:2012 organised by GHSS at Limbe in October, 2016 motivated us to come back on board.