Buea Regional Hospital Laboratory, Cameroon
Front left to right: Moki Patricia (Assitant Laboratory Supervisor) Youmbi Sylvain (Quality Officer) Ayah Flora Bolimo (Laboratory Supervisor) Mbong Felicia (Safety Officer)
Back left to right: Shey joscelyn, Dr Dilonga Henry, Kukwah Anthony (Data Manger), Mbianke Christelle, Ndanou Rosine, Ashu Christiana (Assistant Safety officer)
Back left to right: Shey joscelyn, Dr Dilonga Henry, Kukwah Anthony (Data Manger), Mbianke Christelle, Ndanou Rosine, Ashu Christiana (Assistant Safety officer)
1. What was the hardest thing to do in order to get accredited?
- Training personnel and then losing them to other facilities due to transfer
- Getting every staff involved in the process of accreditation
- Documentation
2. What was the easiest?
- Planning to get a task done
3. What was the most important contributing factor to getting accredited?
- Individual motivation
- Support from GHSS (Global Health Systems Solutions) mentorship and other resources.
- Team work
4. What steps did you take?
Step 1. -SLMTA trainings and other trainings
Step 2. -Regular audits
5. What were the biggest mistakes you made?
- Not doing things on time (procrastination)
6. What is the best advice you can give to others?
- Be committed to quality
- Always document (not documented, not done)
- Work as a team