4.1.1-1 OMS Overview
Illuminating the Path to ISO 15189 (SLMTA 3) e-Learning Course Download Video
- Overview
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An effective Occurrence Management System (OMS) facilitates the continuous improvement effort by identifying process problems or potential problems that can affect patient safety, consume resources, and adversely impact the ability to provide quality services. Understanding the process interactions within an OMS can play a pivotal role in designing an OMS that is able to utilize a risk-based approach towards prioritizing, designing, and implementing improvement projects.
QMS 4.1 References
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Elde Mel Paladar
Mr. Paladar led the redesign of the classroom-based SLMTA 3 curriculum for on-line delivery and will serve as an instructor and facilitator of the e-learning course. Based in Malawi, he is a Project Manager at Adventist Health International, as well as Assistant Professor at the Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, Loma Linda University. Mr. Paladar has a Master of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. He is a SLMTA master trainer and has trained numerous laboratorians in the past decade.