2.2.4-1 Workstation Set-up Introduction 2024
Illuminating the Path to ISO 15189 (SLMTA 3) e-Learning Course Download Video
- Overview
- Resources
A workstation’s design influences the productivity and efficiency of the workflow. An organized workstation places all essential items within easy reach in an orderly manner. This allows timely completion of all duties assigned to the workstation. In this activity, participants progressively construct an efficient workstation.
- Use of the 6 S’s provides a methodical approach to designing and engineering an efficient workstation.
- A workstation’s throughput is directly influenced by its organization and workflow design.
Can you:
- Explain and apply the 6 S ‘s?
- Identify the essential components needed to organize an efficient workstation?
- XC 33 - Handout 11_Daily QC Log.doc
- 2-12 - Handout 17_Generic Analyzer Examination Process.pdf
- 2-13 - Job Aid_Guiding Principles for Workstation Set-up.pptx
- Handout 18 5S.doc
- XC 24 - Handout 2_Duties for Workstation.doc
- XC 25 - Handout 3_Environment & Temperature Chart.xls
- XC 26 - Handout 4_Safety Signs.ppt
- XC 27 - Handout 5_Maintenance Log.xls
- XC 28 - Handout 6_Reagent Log.xls
- XC 29 - Handout 7_Corrective Action Log.xls
- XC 30 - Handout 8_Workstation Critical Value.doc
- XC 31 - Handout 9_Signatory Cover Sheet Example.xls
- XC 32 - Handout 10_Test-Specific SOP Example.doc
- XC 34 - Handout 12_Levey-Jennings Chart.xls
- XC 35 - Handout 13_Quality Indicator Monthly Tally.doc
- XC 36 - Handout 14_Restricted Access Sign.ppt
- XC 37 - Handout 15_Report Form.doc
- XC 38 - Handout 16_Occurrence Report Form.doc

Beatrice van der Puije
Ms. van der Puije helped redesign the classroom-based SLMTA 3 curriculum for on-line delivery and will serve as an instructor and facilitator of the e-learning course. Based in Ghana, Ms. van der Puije is a Public Health Program Manager at African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), a pan-African organisation strengthening medical laboratory networks and systems in Africa. Ms. van der Puije is a certified QMS Trainer, with a Master of Science Degree in Medical Immunology and Microbiology. She is a SLMTA master trainer and has trained numerous laboratorians in the past decade.